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Managing Content

Inside the metaverse and Creator, visitors have the ability to create their own avatars and scenes, allowing them to contribute and share their content with others. This content can be discovered by visitors through tools like the Media Browser.

However, as the administrator, it is important to have control over the content contributed by visitors to ensure that inappropriate or illegal content is not surfaced. The Admin Console provides a range of content moderation tools that enable you to have full control and filter the content submitted by visitors.

Content Pipeline:

When a visitor creates a custom avatar or scene, they have the option to mark it as remixable and/or promotable. By marking content as remixable, it grants a Creative Commons 3 license, allowing others to use or modify the content. Promotable content, on the other hand, undergoes a review process and is added to your metaverse's content library once approved by an administrator. Content within the library can then be discovered by users through tools like the Media Browser.

All content marked as Promotable will be included in the Pending Scene/Avatar Queue whenever it is created or updated. You can access these queues in your Admin Console

Example of pending avatars and scenes links

Approving Content

When reviewing a queue, you will be presented with a comprehensive list of scenes or avatars that have not yet been reviewed and have been recently created or updated. At this stage, you have to decide if you are going to Approve or Deny the item by clicking one of the buttons on the far right:

Example of a pending avatar

  • When you approve an item in the queue, it will be removed from the queue and added to the content library. If the item is an update to an existing piece of content, the changes will be applied to the content in the library. Visitors will be able to see the approved item through the Media Browser.

  • If you deny an item in the queue, it will be removed from the queue and will not be added to the content library. However, please note that the item itself will still be accessible to anyone who has the URL. Nevertheless, visitors will not be able to discover it through the Media Browser.

You can browse all of the approved content in the content library via the Approved Scenes and Approved Avatars panel in the Admin Console.

Featuring Content

In addition to approving content, you also have the option to feature specific items. Featuring content will position it on the Featured tab within the Media Browser, thereby increasing its visibility to your visitors.

To feature content, locate the item within the Approved Scenes or Approved Avatars section. Once you have identified the content you wish to feature, simply click the Feature button. Conversely, you can remove the featured status of an item by using the Unfeature button.

Example of a featured scene

Editing content

To update content, click on the Edit button at the far right of the list for the item you want to edit. There you can edit the name, status, and tags of the item:

Example of the edit UI

The status for the item can be set to active or delisted. When an item is delisted, it is effectively removed from the content library.

In addition, you can add tags to an item. Tags are used to confer special behavior to items, and also to assist with search.

Special Tags

Special behavior can be added by giving one of the special tags to an item:

  • default

    • Giving an avatar a default tag will assign it to new visitors. If multiple default avatars exist, one will be picked at random.

    • Giving a scene a default tag will assign it to new rooms. If multiple default scenes exist, one will be picked at random.

  • base

    • Giving an avatar a base tag will surface it in the Avatar Editor, so it can be used as a base model for re-skinning.

    • This tag has no effect on scenes.

  • featured

    • Giving a scene or avatar a featured tag will add it to the Featured list in the Media Browser.