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Welcome to Onland!

Onland is an open web-based metaverse developed by Next Reality Digital for MUD Foundation INC, a non-profit based in Miami wich mission is to facilitate educational and artistic projects where the internet, data, virtual reality, and art converge.

Onland's Community

Onland aims to attract a diverse community of artists and art enthusiasts providing them with immersive experiences to host conferences, showcase art, and connect with a new audience. Onland seeks to unlock new realms of creativity, collaboration, and exploration.

Screencapture from an event in Onland

You can experience Onland across various platforms, including desktop computers, laptops, mobile devices, and VR headsets. Check the list of supported browsers to ensure compatibility.

Getting started

To understand how our platform works and the solutions we offer, we invite you to explore the Introduction section where you'll discover details on setting up an account and receive a brief overview of the fundamental features of Onland.

Creating Private Scenes and Events

For the meeting and event community, Onland enables users to effortlessly create private meetings or host events within the metaverse by leveraging the intuitive dashboard provided by MUD Foundation.

Introducing Creator

Take a time to discover Creator, the integrated scene editor where you can design immersive environments for Onland rooms. This browser-based editor allows you to upload your own 3D models, images, and files while providing building kits and integrations to assist in creating the perfect space.

Onland's AR Editor

Onland's AR Editor is an advanced Augmented Reality web-based tool specifically designed for blending the real world with virtual elements. Customize 3D models and images, all within an easy AR interface and then see them in the real world.